As desired by the Honorable Prime Minister/President of Bangladesh Awami League, Deshratna Sheikh Hasina

23/05/2012 21:59


As desired by the Honorable Prime Minister/President of Bangladesh Awami League, Deshratna Sheikh Hasina and Home Minister Adv. Sahara Khatun to publish the whole story of Masterminds Bangabandhu killings on 15 august 1975 and 21 Grenade attack to awami league rally’s in 2004 to kill Sheikh Hasina and Awami leaders including brutal torture, rape and money laundering story of 2001-2006 by bnp jamat. Please tell your friends and well wisher to send this message to all of our beloved awami league, jubo league, chatro league, volunteers league, soinik league, Bangabandhu porisad, Bangabandhu ainjibi porisad & other co organization of BAL worldwide.